Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Water Buffalo Whispering, Charging Llamas, & My latest arm candy Finnegan

 I would be dishonest if I didn’t admit that my Scottish Princess Warrior inner self stuck her little nose in the air at Ireland, assuming that it would never be able to compete with the homeland and its tartans.
…Well sit down warrior princess because Ireland is freakin awesome. Now I’m not saying one is better than the other. Nope. The two cultures and atmospheres of Scotland and Ireland greatly differ.  The common theme of the two is that people are so nice that it physically stuns me each time and the natural beauty of the land often puts me in a state of speechlessness (which we all know doesn’t really happen…ever).
The trip started out with extreme anxiety because everyone in the world was telling all of us that Ryanair airlines would be the end, the sad and extremely reasonably priced end. However I have come to the conclusion that all of you telling us this are a bunch of wimps. Was the ride a bit bumpy here & there? Yes. Did the bright yellow interior of the small plane make me want to vom dot com sometimes? Oh for sure. Were there coupons on my boarding pass and is the entire plane ride essentially one giant commercial? Yeah. But at the end of the day we survived so here you go Ryanair I am endorsing you! Just try not to think about how unprofessional it is that there are coupons on your boarding pass and avoid sitting next to the window over the wing…because I have never exactly seen a plane wing move like that before….
BUT once we got to Ireland we had a grand time filled with delicious food, friendly faces, bipolar weather, and political music.
One of my favorite days is what I called the “Nap Bus with Caretaker Kevin” day.  Kevin was an extremely Irish and soft-spoken man who took us around the breath-taking country side of Ireland on an abnormally warm and comfortable bus. Like a fit caretaker should, Kevo always gave us a time limit at each place and did a head count before hauling ass alongside giant cliffs.
Between our random spurts of REM sleep on a sauna-like bus, Kevo took us to see these!!!

Cliffs of Moher which appeared in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Thanks Kev! I enjoyed your political songs about Barrack Obama being Irish or something…or as you like to say “Barrick O’bama.”

                The next day we did the usual and went to a famous castle and explored land that makes me want to physically harm myself just to make sure I’m not dreaming.

I have no friends

                Then something amazing happened…..I learned that I have another talent besides street dance fighting……I AM A WATER BUFFALO WHISPERER!!!

I will always love you, even if this is a long distance relationship

Good with Highland Bulls too


               He was far away across the pasture casually nom’n on grass and then I summoned him and he did not just come to me but he also let me pet him like a dog. Therefore he is officially my Scottish Warrior Princess animal and possibly future way of travel (there are water buffalos in Scotland too okay, I looked it up).
                So now my two favorite pass times will be wearing my tartan and whispering water buffalos, so yeah make that happen Auburn.
                But did I mention that this animal farm we went to had no rules….I mean no rules as in large animals being inside fenced areas is optional. Yes, this is where the charging llama comes into play. A llama escaped and then charged Anna, Scott, and Marjorie but don’t fret everyone is okay now and the llama jumped the fence again back into its pin like the little freak of nature that it is.
Also, this farm considers really cute puppies to be exotic?

There were also pregnant pigs that I can’t ever un-see and suicidal parrots involved.
*only if you are comfortable with large animals escaping and aware that the chances of you getting mauled by an Emu are quite likely*

And we can’t forget my man Finnegan, who was one of the many employees that we named at our bed & breakfast. Finnegan from Bath and I hit it off and he gave me towels and extra tea cups and I didn’t even have to show skin. Another favorite was the boss lady who ran thangs, or who we affectionately referred to as Grandma. When we were departing, Grandma asked me my name and I told her it was EJ and then she said she was going to look my name up on the computer. I’m not sure what this means, but I hope Grandma finds what she’s looking for—whether it’s my lack of criminal record or the fact that EJ is not a real name.
I love you Kevin and Grandma!!
I’ve got a week left over here and knowing that makes me want to jump off the Cliffs of Moher (jokes, don’t panic) or figure out how to make nike shorts out of tartans and quick!!!
But really I am quite sad my time is coming to an end and I want to do so much more than study for this exam tomorrow.  But really if any of you people know must do’s for London that I haven’t done yet and need to get all over ASAP please hit me up. And if one of your suggestions is rugby I sadly found out the season is over and let’s be real….cricket just isn’t violent enough (American probs).

So see you when I see you?....Cheers?
Ew. This is worse than the awkward break up with the plane snogger.

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