Friday, May 24, 2013

Snogging & Birds on Steroids

It would be strange and out of the ordinary if my first international flight went really well and didn’t go terribly uncomfortable and strange. SO—let’s start with the snogging ya?

On the flight to London I was seated next to a British male who for some reason was a bit enthralled with me….a little too enthralled. So on this 8 hour flight, I would say the two of us went through all stages of the typical romantic relationship process from the beginning self-disclosures to the awkward break up. After 2 hours of grilling and personal sharing, the lights were finally turned off and I was snuggled up in my blanket about to go to my happy place. Then super British Harry Potter sound’n homeboy to my left whispers, “Do you consider yourself spontaneous?” Cringing I know what’s coming and try to select a very safe answer, such as “It depends on the context.” Literally an inch away from mama’s face he responds, “Would you like to snog on the plane?” After I repeatedly declined, I then find myself having the “But can we still be friends” talk with a complete stranger.

            Thus the theme of odd encounters has been set for my Londony adventure!!

            So far London is a great place where baby Macklemores in tight pants are on every corner and where the chance of a juiced-up pigeon flying off with me to my death is fairly likely.

            After doing the touristy things like a double decker tour bus that gives some good whiplash, I am determined to become a local.  

But first I have learned the following:

I need to work on my inside voice on the tube…I mean chube…I mean what, where am I?

Try to find places with air you can actually breathe in and it doesn’t taste like gasoline…so only hang out at famous castles


Always take an entourage to Hogwarts


British people don’t hydrate so always accept any kind of liquid available…like a rain puddle or in this case a milkshake


The time change NEVER GETS EASIER

More to come lata......





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