Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Move over Hermione, here comes EJmione?

It’s true—the parents have decided to cut the umbilical cord and send their pride and joy into the arms of good ole London for a month or so. I’m sure they hope I will meet the ultimate ginger (Prince Harry) and start collecting sun hats or something, but I think break dancing in a pub is more likely.
If I return looking like this,
ask me out on a date and buy me a drank ASAP because apparently I only get ridiculously good looking after puberty.
And just to clarify I am NOT a hipster, there will be NO artsy fartsy photos here. But as most of you may already know odd experiences and strange encounters are attracted to me like moths to a flame or Lindsay Lohan to the slammer—so I’ll be sure to report them right here in the most candid fashion.
See ya never America

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